
February 5, 2024

Las mariposas monarca continúan disminuyendo mientras el cambio climático avanza más rápido que los esfuerzos de conservación

La mariposa monarca occidental está en peligro, mientras continúa la lucha de la especie por su recuperación.
February 5, 2024

Monarch Numbers Continue to Fall, Climate Change Working Faster than Conservation Efforts

The western monarch butterfly is in danger as the population struggles to recover.
July 12, 2023

Day of the Dead and Monarch Conservation

For hundreds of years, as Day of the Dead celebrations begin, the blue skies of the State of Michoacán and the State of México are painted with bright orange, black and white kaleidoscopes.
June 23, 2023

El proyecto de ley de etiquetado de plantas favorables a los polinizadores, apoya a los viveros, los consumidores, las mariposas y la vida silvestre

La enmienda presentada por el senador Jeff Merkley (D-OR), a la Ley de Comercialización Agrícola de 1964, que establece el uso de una etiqueta para identificar a las plantas que son favorables con los polinizadores, brindaría a los consumidores una forma confiable de asegurarse de que están ayudando a las mariposas y a otros polinizadores, y que no los perjudican sin darse cuenta.
June 23, 2023

Pollinator-Friendly Plant Labeling Bill Supports Nurseries, Consumers, Butterflies, Wildlife

Senator Jeff Merkely’s (D-Ore.) pollinator-friendly plant labeling bill will give consumers a reliable way to ensure they are helping butterflies and many other pollinators.
March 22, 2023

Recent Eastern Monarch Numbers Show Grim Outlook for Imperiled Species

This year’s continued decline of the eastern monarch butterfly population demonstrates a dire and imminent need for investment in conservation initiatives including on-the-ground collaboration and long-sought legislation.
March 17, 2023

Monarch Act Provides Critical Resources for the Protection of Western Migratory Monarchs and other Pollinators

The Monarch Action, Recovery, and Conservation of Habitat Act (Monarch Act) invests in the conservation and recovery of the threatened western migratory monarch and other native pollinators that are vital to healthy ecosystems, biodiversity and our nation’s food supply.
March 6, 2023

Monarch Action, Recovery, and Conservation of Habitat Act of 2021

As the western monarch population edges closer to extinction, these butterflies need the resources that the Monarch Act will provide to support restoration of their habitats and recovery of their population.
January 31, 2023

Latest Count of Western Monarch Butterfly Highlights Steep Toll of Climate-Fueled Disasters

The Western population of the migratory monarch butterfly has seen a slight increase due to collaborative conservation efforts, but extreme weather events and the continued impacts of the climate crisis continue to threaten this iconic species.