In Mexico, where monarchs end their migration around Day of the Dead, or Día de los Muertos, the butterflies symbolize departed loved ones and hope for conservation success.
Senator Jeff Merkely’s (D-Ore.) pollinator-friendly plant labeling bill will give consumers a reliable way to ensure they are helping butterflies and many other pollinators.
The Monarch Action, Recovery, and Conservation of Habitat Act (Monarch Act) invests in the conservation and recovery of the threatened western migratory monarch and other native pollinators that are vital to healthy ecosystems, biodiversity and our nation’s food supply.
As the western monarch population edges closer to extinction, these butterflies need the resources that the Monarch Act will provide to support restoration of their habitats and recovery of their population.
The Western population of the migratory monarch butterfly has seen a slight increase due to collaborative conservation efforts, but extreme weather events and the continued impacts of the climate crisis continue to threaten this iconic species.